When I counsel with married couples I hear them say they are so tired.... weary and want to give up the fight. I know stress is the number one killer of the physical body but it is also a killer of marriages. If couples become too stressed and get tired of the fight they will quit.
Listen to what stress does to the body: The body automatically prepares for vigorous physical activity. It has an involuntary fight or flight response. Messages race from the hypothalamus and spread alarm to the nervous system, muscles tense, bold vessels constrict, 2 hormones are sent out from the pituitary gland to the thyroid and adrenal glands, the adrenal gland sends out 30 more hormones to nearly every organ in the body. This causes the pulse to shoot up, blood pressure to soar, stomach and intestines stop digesting, hearing and smell come more acute. Hundreds of other physical changes occur without even knowing it. (Lewis 2003)
Wow, In this scripture Jesus is not only trying to save your physical life but your marriage as well. Stop stressing and breathe, it is not work dieing for. Sometimes it is the simple things we can do to relieve our stress, like take a walk. However you find rest for your souls, remember you can lean on Jesus He is gentle and kind 24 /7.
Ref. Lewis, J.A. et al.; Community counseling (2003)
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