Using my Masters in Counseling, personal experience, and the power of God I hope to equip individuals with the tools for victory over a troubled marriage.

This is a safe place to go incognito to find light in a dark hour.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Turn off your thinker, and turn on your blinker to follow God

Turn off your Thinker and Turn on Your Blinker

Over my life I have been learning how to walk under God's anointing, for my family, my world, and myself. Kenneth Copeland defines anointing, described in the Bible, as "God on flesh doing those things that flesh cannot do." It is God doing those things only He can do, and doing them through a flesh-and-blood, earthly vessel. His Children.

Many times I have been able to move out into boldness in others lives when I feel God is calling me to do so. But this is scary because "others" can judge you as a complete nutcase! But I have gotten to the place of doing it anyway. I have found time and time again, that when you obey God miracles and fun "stuff" happens.

The other day I found myself with some extra time, I don't know how that happened? I got on Facebook and found myself on someone else's wall, which I rarely do. Something sparked my interest. I had no idea who this person was but they were sharing a dream they had the night before.  God told me to interpret the dream. I did. I did not mention God, just gave what I felt God wanted her to know. Bravely, My fingers started typing the interpretation God gave me…

Someone is going to come into your life to help you get to the next place you are supposed to go. It will be out of the blue and you will not be prepared to go but it is your destiny. The people that surround you now are unable to help you get there. They may keep you from going backwards but they can't take you somewhere they have not been. If this hits you deep, you know it may be truth. If not just erase my post. Honestly I have no idea how I got here. ? Sweet dreams. You are a treasure.

To my excitement they responded rather quickly:  
Melissa that does hit deep and makes sense. I think the realization that I will be leaving family and friends in order to live my destiny is sinking in. I feel God shifting gears on me. I think he is bringing me closer to my destiny. Thank you!!”
August 23 3:30pm  via mobile · Unlike · 2

This was something God wanted her to know and due to my boldness and obedience, she got an encouraging confirming word.

I did not know about  “The Domino Effect” back then but I was playing Kingdom Domino’s and that was my ripple for the day.

Because I wrote on their post, I was 10 minutes late leaving to pick my kids up for school. I always take I-4 but God spoke to me in my spirit and said, "As a confirmation, I want you to take 17/92 and I will make all the red lights green, to let you know you do hear from me and I want you to continue to be bold."

Logically, I-4 was going to be faster, I knew there were probably 9 or more red lights on 17/92. But I chose to BELIEVE. I turned off my LOGICAL THINKING AND ACTED IN FAITH. As I turned GOD’S WAY onto 17/92 I pushed the pedal
to the medal and FELT THE POWER of my sweet Mini Cooper hugging the road.

First light… GREEN, then God said, "Don't stress. It will not happen in your power. You are under the anointing and you can go as fast or slow as you want, you are under the radar and no one can see you." I chose to go fast.

Initially, I felt like God gave me permission to be like Charlize Theron in the movie, “The Italian Job”, where they did some crazy driving with Mini Coopers in Italy.


I pressed my sport mode button and started shifting gears. Yes, I took a little liberty, but I have to say I did feel His invincible power under this anointing. In actuality, I should have been thinking on 2nd Corinthians 4:7 where it says: But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, “that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.”

About a mile into my “Italian Job” driving I did slip back into the legal speed limit. Every light I reached was a strong GREEN.

I was amazed. Through the distance I could see GREEN blaring on the 9th light of my 17/92 stretch.  God told me to speed up and jump in front of this truck, when I did the light was green and gave me a green arrow to turn. Cool confirmation. I made the right turn onto Lee road; I was still about 3 miles from my kid’s school. My smile turned upside down when I saw RED.

I gasped, “What? I thought you said all green lights, was that just for 17/92?”
God showed me that I was to stop here and look at the cross roads, I -4 crossed over me just ahead. It was my old way of going to the kid’s school. God told me I had to stop at the cross road to make a decision. He asked me,  “Did I want to go my old way of I-4 or did I want to listen to him and take his road even when it did not make good sense?”  It was my choice. He was giving me an “In Season” Kingdom dynamic. He was giving me an option to choose to live a stress free life and enjoy the ride under His anointing. The CROSSROADS gave me two choices: to believe Him and take the new roads he would show me and rely on His anointing or settle for my own logical ways of living life.  I knew if I chose the latter I would be choosing to be stagnant.

He invited me to do life like they do it in His Kingdom. His kingdom’s economy runs on Faith.  My heart I accepted His way.

I arrived at my kids school TWO MINUTES EARLIER, than if I have left on time.

KINGDOM DOMINO’S CHALLENGE: He is giving you the GREEN LIGHT so…turn off your thinker, and turn on your blinker to follow God.

Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. 1st Corinthians 3:18

For the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power.1st Corinthians 4:20

For we walk by faith not by sight. 2nd Corinthians 5:7

…while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things that are not seen are eternal. 2nd Corinthians 4:18

YOUR MOVE: God I ask you to help me to be bold and make room for the demonstration of your Spirit and power when I speak today. Remind me to put on my Eternal Ray Bans so I can see how to join in the plans of your invisible kingdom. Turn up my Heavenly hearing aids and give me confidence to follow your leading.


      This is an excerpt from “The Domino Effect” the book being written by Melissa Clark, M.A.,  
       F.A.C.C.T. License, and R.M. Cuthbert.                                   

      Want to play Kingdom Domino’s and make a difference in the world?
      Start by Connecting with us at
      Do the Daily Ripple by commenting on our blog how this story impacted you and ask God

      if he would like you to share it with anyone? Listen. Believe. Be Bold.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

You never thought this would happen when you said, "I do".

You never thought you would be here when you said, "I Do". Now you're saying I "Don't" or maybe your a bit more passionate and saying NO MORE! Either way the dagger has been laid to your heart and you have been through pain unthinkable.  You probably have the complete right to close the door, shut it tight, nail  2X4's across it, brick it over, and put monster glue in any small crack you find. Yea! How does that sound?  It may feel safe, but in actually it is what 50% to 60% of  people do in troubled marriages. It is completely understandable. Most spouses feel helpless and are exausted trying to change themselves and are hopeless about their spouses changing. The problem seems completely impossible and overwhelming.

I was completely there, 13 years ago. But God crashed my world and asked me if I could leave a crack in the door for God to be able to work. I have found complete evidence, that God is real and loves me. He is the God of miracles. Yet he is a gentleman and will not move beyound our free will.  I have to tell you I did not jump at a quick yes, to His question about leaving a crack in the door. I was very happy with forever lock down and divorce. Honestly, I was Not happy but felt it was the only choice and I was tired, hurt, and hopless. I WAITED.  I PRAYED. I PONDERD.  If God asked you to leave a crack for his power to do the impossible in your marriage, would you ponder over questions like these?

1. How can I go back if he/she is still doing the same things?
2. How could I ever trust them again?
3. I'm tired and just want to be done with it.
4. I want to find someone who will really respect or treasure me, I deserve it.
5. I don't love them anymore and can't stand the sight of them.
6. It was a mistake in the first place and we should have never gotten married.
7. We have grown apart and don't have same things in common.
8. Biblically I have the right to divorce them adulterous affairs.

Would love to hear your specific questions. These are all fair and reasonable thoughts. Fair and reasonable will get you the status "crow" divorced, heartache, baggage, and will pass these curses and hurts onto your children. Maybe you don't have children yet? We did not at our separation but we have Ashley and Jacob now. Where would they be if I had not followed God in faith?

I am hoping to inspire you to believe in the impossible, like I did 13 years ago. I decided to let God work. I decided to believe in radical faith that my marriage could be restored. I decided I did not want to lose my husband, like I lost my dad to divorce. I wanted a break through in my life for me and my future generations. I also did not want my husband to be destroyed by the things he was entangling himself in. I said yes to God. I picked up my sword, the word of God. I prayed and I followed the path God laid out for me. I knew I could not change my spouse, but could only change me.  I knew if I followed my loving God he would direct my paths.   It was a step by step process. My first Baby step was seeing a Christian Counselor. Nothing changed with my husband for quite a while. He was not interested in me or the marrige. Yet a God of miracles stepped in and everything changed. NOW 23 years of marriage I am forever changed, my husband is not the same man. We divorced our old marriage and started a new one with the same spouse. We are in love and enjoying each other most days, lol.

I write this to you today help you realize you can change everything if you will allow God to change you and if you will pick up your sword YOU CAN refuse status "crow". It is what God is waiting for....say yes and pick up your sword and fight for yourself and your temporarily insane spouse. Fight for your future generations.

You know you want to pick up that it in FAITH.

God had taken my weakness, a destroyed marriage, and made it my greatest strength. Now I help others find the way. Only a Real God of Power could do that.


Monday, April 30, 2012

Marriage: When it is a Battlefield

Laura was a good girl. Everyone she knew would say the same things about her, including her husband. “Laura is patient, kind, puts others first, home schools her kids, volunteers at church, is a loyal friend. She is beautiful, sweet and fun. She is a prayer warrior and knows the word of God.  She has a sense of healthy boundaries, can be trusted, and is not a gossip.”
     When she was younger and less mature she was a people pleaser, a rescuer and a bit codependent. In her teens, her dad had slaughtered her heart. It was then she started to hide the most vibrant and passionate part of her heart.  She tucked it deep into an inner chamber; it was hidden even to her. 
     Her first husband left her but she did find love again. In her second marriage she brought a son and a lot of baggage. Forrest was a sweet and gentle man AND had spicy Brazilian blood running through his veins.  She needed some safe spice and laughter. A few years into their marriage she got pregnant with her daughter. She was happy on the surface but something kept bleeding on the inside. She kept stuffing the pain of the past deeper into the inner chamber. Her passionate heart screamed as the pain dripped poison to her entrapped heart.  RELIEF is what she needed, something else spicy to satisfy her soul. Food.  She ate. She worked hard pleasing others, putting them first. She took the bland part of her heart and spiced it up with self- sacrifice, pleasantly nice gestures, topping if off with avoidance of confrontation and self-control.  AND she ate. AND she forgot who she was AND what she desired. She knew she must be the problem and she worked harder to make it better, to keep the peace.  She was a princess but she was lost in a chaotic dangerous land. “Hope” seemed lost until one day, her real prince appeared,  “Jesus”.  He spoke into her hidden heart. He gave her the courage to see the things she had abandoned into her inner chamber. He called her out from her hiding place. He SAW her and called her beautiful. He did for her what her husband was unable to do. He delivered her.  She was free to live passionately.  She trusted Christ. She got it. She fell in love with him.
     Forrest did not understand her new lover. Yet he was ok, as long as he was reaping the benefits.  She invited him to participate but he politely said, “No thanks”.  As months passed he found himself jealous of her new invisible lover. It started to cause problems in their marriage.  He did not understand her new passion to praise this Jesus at church. She was at church, serving, loving others, and spreading the good news. He visited her church and just did not get it? She sought out the book of life for answers and she found them. A Godly wife is to win over her husband’s heart without a word. She allowed God to call to him while she loved him quietly. God gave her a vision for his freedom and deliverance.
     Years went by and he started to visit the church more often. He got to know some of the people and he became an usher. Her dreams seemed to be coming true. They were getting along good. Oh there were issues that were not resolved but they were not earth shattering. 
You can imagine that Laura was in complete shock when Forrest came to her to ask her for a divorce. Yes there were some issues there but nothing that could not be worked out. The church paid for them to go to counseling. But after 2 sessions Forrest said politely I am not interested.  She did not think he was having an affair, just a midlife crisis.  
     She left home for weeks to give him space hoping he would miss her and chose her. She wanted to be secure; to be chosen and to be treated as a beautiful treasure but her heart was shattered. He said NO. “Love had been a Battlefield” for so long. Now it was over.
     I called Laura to check in and when I did she told me quickly, “We are getting a divorce.” I was a bit thrown, but I completely understood. I had been there. I had jumped off the edge of a cliff held only by God’s rope. Loving my husband when he turned into a frog and I had to choose to speak to the prince inside of him and believe in who he could become. But Laura had been doing that for years. She was laying her sword down. I completely understood why. That is why I could not dare to ask her to bleed any more. No, that was God’s job in his time.
     With much fear and trembling I will say the hardest of truths in these next few paragraphs. In these days and times when marriages are falling off fifty percent at a time and family’s are being torn apart we as Christians must be willing to stay in the fire and fight even when our spouses have gone insane. That is when they need us the most. But we must be lead by the Holy Spirit and not our self- protection and survival coping skills. Christian and non-Christian alike will cheer you on to divorce when your spouse “has gone crazy”.
     I felt Laura revert back into her “good girl” ways of self -protection. Again I will say I UNDERSTAND!!! But as one who has been in the desert, thirsting, bleeding, agonizing in pain, screaming I want DIVORCE. I JUST WANT TO BE WITH YOU GOD WHERE IT IS SAFE. Yet God would whisper you are safe but use what you have learned to stay in the battlefield of marriage.  I did listen…wait…learned…. loved and followed God while He showed us the way to the promise land. I know you are tired of eating dust and seeing no water, but true death is resorting back to your self -made survival skills. Have you stuffed your heart into the inner chamber yet…numb again?  Wait till “God” says it is over. If HE is for you then who can be against you…you spouse does not have that much power does he? The vision is deliverance of him too (God’s Job).
     Laura said, “I am getting a divorce”. She was putting on her good girl survival suit. She can chose to do that and let her marriage die in the desert. “He wants to get a divorce quickly so he can show there is distress in his pocket book and keep the house and be able to pay me child support. I have gone to find a small apartment for my kids and me. We will have to get rid of our dogs. I love my dogs. Last night I moved out of our bed. He said he missed cuddling with me. He has his own schedule. I don’t know where he goes. I just want to be with God.
     Something inside of me boiled Holy Ghost righteousness, I wanted to scream from my inner being. “WHAT? This is not time to be the good girl. In “love” tell him to get out of your bed and your house. Tell him it is his problem to pay the bills and work out all the problems he is causing. Tell him you do not want a divorce and let him feel the pain of his choices.” I think she would have responded, “I am tired and done. I can’t pay the bills.” But I kept quiet, because I know God will have to be the one to show her how to bleed for the sake of loving her husband who is insane. This is kingdom living. The seed has to die to live.
     If you are in a situation like this one, take it from me who has loved an insane man, who did not deserve to be forgiven…but I am the voice in the wilderness calling out to say this is the way to the promise land. Come join me here. The road is narrow but God walks with you creatively, every moment…every second.  Remember HE loves to raise the dead, show off, and bring others into the promise land through your sacrificial obedience. Your spouse needs you now more than ever. 
Melissa Clark

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I am Tired

One of the most common themes I hear in counseling is "I am tired." I can not do this anymore. They explain all they have suffered, how they have tried and how long they have cried. In their brokeness they are looking for the pain to stop. I can emphasize when people get stuck in the quagmire. We all go there from time to time but we don't want to live in that miry muck.

In the book of Acts Peter met a "saint" as he was described. A fellow believer, Aeneas. He had reason to be tired. He had reasons to give up. He was not suffering from a broken relationship. Although his situation must have effected his relationships. He was suffering from a broken body. He had been bedridden eight years and was paralyzed.

Peter said to him, "Aeneas, Jesus the Christ heals you. Arise and make up your bed." He arose immediately. Can you imagine how he felt? With one word or should I say one name, JESUS. Everything changed for him. BUT that was just the start....the spark that started the eternal combustion.

The bible goes on to tell ALL who dwelt in Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord.
Men and women who were spiritually dead were made alive and their names were written in the lambs book of life. His life was used to effect eternity.

We unlike Aeneas, are so blessed. For when we are paralyzed in pain or stuck in the quagmire we are not alone. We have the word of God, and a real relationship with Jesus. If we will let the hard places drive us into the arms of Jesus we will find out the most important treasures are found in his love. When you find out he is all you have you will find out he is all you need.

When you take refuge in the Most High God and realize your momentary affliction is really just a moment when compared to eternity. Then it is easier to let patience have her perfect work so lives can be changed for eternity. God will reward your patience. When patience has it's perfect work in you the bible says you will be perfect and complete lacking nothing.

Do not quit doing good, for there is great reward for you and all those who surround you.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

You inner circle of counselors and friends

Christian people need to together for the purpose of strength and accountability, meeting together in small groups of 2 or more. Finding your support group is imperative. If you can’t find one then start one. If you are isolated, no matter what causes it, i.e. business, hurt, depression the list is endless; you are in a dangerous place.

Find those few people who you want in your inner circle. Blessed is the person who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. Who has your ear? Are they making God and his ways a priority in their life. We become like those we hang out with. God says if you want to be prosperous then delight in reading the word, meditate on in day and night. IF you do this you will yield much fruit, you will not dry up and you will prosper in WHATEVER YOU DO.

For a marriage moment comment: Focus for the wife, nothing can replace good girlfriends. Don't expect your husband to try and fill their shoes. Men while the wife is out with her girlfriends, you go get some "Man" time. Do all your grunting, farting, hunting, watching sports, get let you wild side out. When you feel fullfilled hanging with your "like kind" then go home and be what your mate needs. Men be loving and gentle and women honor, respect and adore your husband.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Conditions of the heart

Psalm 28:7
The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out into songs of thanksgiving.
When we can't trust the ones we love because they have betrayed or hurt us it is then we must trust the Lord, remembering that He alone is our strength. When we focus on God, and his word, we are in a safe place. When we feel safe we can keep our heart soft. When our heart is soft we can respond in Godly ways towards others. When our hearts are in fear they self protect and react in hurtful ways to those we are called to love. How is your heart doing today? Is it soft in faith responding in Godly love or hard in fear defending itself, and reacting in destructive ways?

Friday, November 11, 2011

You had me at hello

This morning when I was doing my quiet time with the Lord I was reading Psalm 11. I read a psalm every day that is in line with the day's date. Ever watch the movie with Tom Cruise, it is called Jerry M something? It is where Tom is a sports recruiter and he has broken up with is wife, and he comes back to her and she is sitting in the middle of a divorce group and he busts into the door? He says, "Hello sorry to interrupt but I have to talk to my wife" and in front of all those ladies he spills his guts over how he knows he needs and wants her in his life. After he finishes, he looks for her response and she says , "You had me at hello". That is how I felt this morning after reading the first line of psalm 11. It says, "In the Lord I put my trust." God had me at "Hello", with the first line of psalm 11 on 11-11-11. .

I got some bad news yesterday, I have a lump on my breast and they have to operate. BUT I put my trust in my God who is able to do miracles. No matter what you are going through today or in this season of your life. Meet God at hello and put your trust in him. He will prove to be faithful!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Staying safe and forgiving too

The people who are the closest to you are the ones who can hurt you the most. When that occurs hopefully the guilty partner asks for forgiveness. We are instructed by a loving God to forgive. We are to turn the other cheek. This can get CONFUSING when we still feel like we can be hurt in the same way again. Does forgiveness mean we are to set ourselves up for more abuse? NO.

How do you stay safe and still forgive? We must set boundaries. Someone can say they are sorry, but we are unsure if true repentance will occur. We always hope and believe the best. But we need to be wise.

Many people make the mistake of intrupting God's law of sowing and reaping. The law of sowing and reaping states: We are personally responsible for our own actions and consequences of those actions. If one sows good things like: patience, understanding, and love we will reap healthy relationships. IF one sows revenge, manipulation, dishonesty, selfishness and the such their relationships will be ones of destruction.

The question is how can one forgive if they are in a relationship with someone who is on the destructive track? Most of the time people are clue less on how to let the law of sowing and reaping have it's good work.

First confronting an irresponsible or destructive person does not work to end the behavior. Have you ever heard the statement, "I have talked to them till I am blue in the face?" Have you tried nagging, screaming, and threatening? How about ignoring it and hoping it will go away?

If you are a person who tends to be codependent or boundary-less then you will be someone who repeatedly rescues people from the consequences of their own irresponsibility or destructive behavior. You will not allow them to reap what THEY sow because you step in and reap the consequence for them.

Only consequences of someones behavior causes them enough pain to stop sowing bad seed and turn into a good sower. Note, you should set boundariesto protect yourself not to inflict punishment on others. Let the healthy boundaries and the natural consequences do the work as God intended.

Sometimes maneuvering through setting healthy boundaries is difficult. When you are too close to the Forrest to see the trees, seek help from a professional.

Promise: Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

I see people in person and do phone, facetime, and skype sessions. I Have clients in 4 states. Call me if I can. My personal cell is 321 277 1058.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Are your Resting or Stressing?

Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my burden is light.

When I counsel with married couples I hear them say they are so tired.... weary and want to give up the fight. I know stress is the number one killer of the physical body but it is also a killer of marriages. If couples become too stressed and get tired of the fight they will quit.

Listen to what stress does to the body: The body automatically prepares for vigorous physical activity. It has an involuntary fight or flight response. Messages race from the hypothalamus and spread alarm to the nervous system, muscles tense, bold vessels constrict, 2 hormones are sent out from the pituitary gland to the thyroid and adrenal glands, the adrenal gland sends out 30 more hormones to nearly every organ in the body. This causes the pulse to shoot up, blood pressure to soar, stomach and intestines stop digesting, hearing and smell come more acute. Hundreds of other physical changes occur without even knowing it. (Lewis 2003)

Wow, In this scripture Jesus is not only trying to save your physical life but your marriage as well. Stop stressing and breathe, it is not work dieing for. Sometimes it is the simple things we can do to relieve our stress, like take a walk. However you find rest for your souls, remember you can lean on Jesus He is gentle and kind 24 /7.

Ref. Lewis, J.A. et al.; Community counseling (2003)
