Using my Masters in Counseling, personal experience, and the power of God I hope to equip individuals with the tools for victory over a troubled marriage.

This is a safe place to go incognito to find light in a dark hour.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Conditions of the heart

Psalm 28:7
The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out into songs of thanksgiving.
When we can't trust the ones we love because they have betrayed or hurt us it is then we must trust the Lord, remembering that He alone is our strength. When we focus on God, and his word, we are in a safe place. When we feel safe we can keep our heart soft. When our heart is soft we can respond in Godly ways towards others. When our hearts are in fear they self protect and react in hurtful ways to those we are called to love. How is your heart doing today? Is it soft in faith responding in Godly love or hard in fear defending itself, and reacting in destructive ways?

Friday, November 11, 2011

You had me at hello

This morning when I was doing my quiet time with the Lord I was reading Psalm 11. I read a psalm every day that is in line with the day's date. Ever watch the movie with Tom Cruise, it is called Jerry M something? It is where Tom is a sports recruiter and he has broken up with is wife, and he comes back to her and she is sitting in the middle of a divorce group and he busts into the door? He says, "Hello sorry to interrupt but I have to talk to my wife" and in front of all those ladies he spills his guts over how he knows he needs and wants her in his life. After he finishes, he looks for her response and she says , "You had me at hello". That is how I felt this morning after reading the first line of psalm 11. It says, "In the Lord I put my trust." God had me at "Hello", with the first line of psalm 11 on 11-11-11. .

I got some bad news yesterday, I have a lump on my breast and they have to operate. BUT I put my trust in my God who is able to do miracles. No matter what you are going through today or in this season of your life. Meet God at hello and put your trust in him. He will prove to be faithful!
